JEV Editorial Board

Title Forename Surname Keywords Institute Country


Jan  Lötvall  Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc), Cellular and organ targeting of EVs (biodistribution), EV-based non-cancer biomarkers, EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes) University of Gothenberg Sweden

Executive Scientific Editor

Sarah Williams   ISEV UK

Deputy Editor

Michael   Freeman Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc), Cellular and organ targeting of EVs (biodistribution), EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes), EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs

Deputy Editor

Simon  Powis Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc), EV-based non-cancer biomarkers, EV proteomics, EVs and the immune system University of St Andrews UK

Deputy Editor

Hang Hubert  Yin EV-based non-cancer biomarkers Tsinghua University China

Deputy Editor

Esther  Nolte-'t Hoen EVs and the immune system, EVs cross-organism (viral infections), Novel developments in EV characterization, Cellular and organ targeting of EVs (biodistribution) University Medical Centre Utrecht Netherlands

Deputy Editor

Yong Song Gho EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs, EV-inspired therapeutics, vaccines and clinical trials, EV proteomics, EV systems biology Pohang University of Science and Technology, Life Sciences South Korea
Associate Editor An  Hendrix Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc), Novel developments in EV isolation, EVs cross-organism (bacteria), EVs as cancer biomarkers Ghent University Belgium
Associate Editor Cherie  Blenkiron  Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc) EV in environment (plants, diet, microbiota) and cross-organism communication EV-based non-cancer biomarkers EVs as cancer biomarkers The University of Auckland New Zealand
Associate Editor Antonella  Bongiovanni Cellular and organ targeting of EVs (biodistribution) EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes) EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs EV in environment (plants, diet, microbiota) and cross-organism communication National Research Council of Italy, Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation  Italy
Associate Editor Houjian  Cai EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes) EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs EV metabolomics EVs and stem cells (including cancer) University of Georgia USA
Associate Editor Giovanni  Camussi EVs and stem cells (including cancer) EVs in tissue injury & repair University of Turin Italy
Associate Editor Cesar Martin  Castro preparative studies, spike-ins etc), Novel developments in EV isolation, EVs as cancer biomarkers, EVs in cancer (except metastasis, immunology, angiogenesis, stem cells) Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Centre USA
Associate Editor Tomer Cooks Cellular and organ targeting of EVs (biodistribution), EVs in tumor metastasis, EVs in tumor immunology, EVs cross-organism (bacteria) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Israel
Associate Editor Owen  Davies EV-inspired therapeutics, vaccines and clinical trials EVs and stem cells (including cancer) EVs in tissue injury & repair Novel developments in EV isolation Loughborough University UK
Associate Editor Dolores  Di Vizio  Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc), EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes), EV proteomics, EVs as cancer biomarkers Cedars-Sinai Medical Center USA
Associate Editor Henrique  Girao EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes) EV-based non-cancer biomarkers, EVs in cardiovascular diseases and vascular disorders EVs in tissue injury & repair University of Coimbra Portugal
Associate Editor David Greening EV Proteomics Baker Heart and Diabetes Institue Australia
Associate Editor Anna Lena Jung EVs and the immune system, EVs cross-organism (bacteria), EV in environment (plants, diet, microbiota) and cross-organism communication, EVs in acute and chronic Inflammatory disorders Philipps-Universitat Marburg Germany
Associate Editor Sharad  Kumar V biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes), EVs in cellular differentiation & organ development, EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs The University of South Australia Australia
Associate Editor Lucia R.  Languino EV proteomics, EVs as cancer biomarkers EVs in cancer (except metastasis, immunology, angiogenesis, stem cells) EVs in tumor metastasis Thomas Jefferson University USA
Associate Editor Cecilia  Lässer EV proteomics Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc) EVs in acute and chronic Inflammatory disorders Novel developments in EV isolation University of Gothenburg Sweden
Associate Editor Minh TN  Le EV proteomics, EVs as cancer biomarkers EVs in cancer (except metastasis, immunology, angiogenesis, stem cells) EVs in tumor metastasis National University of Singapore Singapore
Associate Editor Guozhen  Liu Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc), EV-based non-cancer biomarkers The Chinese University of Hong Kong China
Associate Editor Antonio  Marcilla  EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes) EV in environment (plants, diet, microbiota) and cross-organism communication EV proteomics EV-based non-cancer biomarkers University of Valencia Spain
Associate Editor Irina Matei Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc), EVs and the immune system, EVs in tumor immunology, EVs in tumor metastasis Weill Cornell Medicine USA
Associate Editor Radwa  Mehanna EVs and stem cells (including cancer) EVs in cellular differentiation & organ development EVs in tissue injury & repair Alexandria University Egypt
Associate Editor Jaesung Park EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs, Cellular and organ targeting of EVs (biodistribution), Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc), Novel developments in EV characterization Pohang University of Science and Technology South Korea
Associate Editor Christian Preußer Novel developments in EV characterization, Novel developments in EV isolation, EV proteomics, EVs in tumor immunology Philipps-Universitat Marburg Germany
Associate Editor Annalisa  Radeghieri  Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc) EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs Novel developments in EV characterization, Novel developments in EV isolation University of Brescia Italy
Associate Editor Russell  Rogers EVs and the immune system EV-inspired therapeutics vaccines and clinical trials EVs in cardiovascular diseases and vascular disorders EVs in tissue injury and repair. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center USA
Associate Editor Ashok Shetty Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc), Cellular and organ targeting of EVs (biodistribution), EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs, EV-inspired therapeutics, vaccines and clinical trials Texas A & M University USA
Associate Editor Sluijter Joost EVs in tissue injury & repair, EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs, EVs and stem cells (including cancer), EVs in cardiovascular diseases and vascular disorders University Medical Centre Utrecht Netherlands
Associate Editor Simon  Swift EVs cross-organism (bacteria) The University of Auckland New Zealand
Associate Editor Basant Kumar  Thakur   University of Essen Germany
Associate Editor Ana Claudia  Torrecilhas EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes) EV in environment (plants, diet, microbiota) and cross-organism communication EV proteomics EV-inspired therapeutics vaccines and clinical trials Federal University of São Paulo Brazil
Associate Editor Tsuneya Ikezu EV proteomics, EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes), EVs in diseases of the nervous system, EV-inspired therapeutics, vaccines and clinical trials Mayo Clinic Florida USA
Associate Editor Pieter  Vader Cellular and organ targeting of EVs (biodistribution) EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs EV-inspired therapeutics, vaccines and clinical trials Utrecht University Netherlands
Associate Editor Cláudia  Vilhena EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes), EVs cross-organism (bacteria), EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs, EV in environment (plants, diet, microbiota) and cross-organism communication Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen Germany
Associate Editor Lei  Zheng Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc), EV in environment (plants, diet, microbiota) and cross-organism communication, Novel developments in EV characterization, EVs as cancer biomarkers Southern Medical University China
Associate Editor Judy Wai Ping Yam EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes), EVs in tumor angiogenesis, EVs in tumor metastasis, EVs as cancer biomarkers University of Hong Kong China
Associate Editor Jason  Webber Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc), EVs as cancer biomarkers, EVs in cellular differentiation & organ development, EVs in tumor angiogenesis Swansea University UK