Mission and Vision of the Global EV Network
Mission: To provide recognition and visibility to EV-focused local, national, or regional societies, centers, and networks
Vision: Organize EV-focused entities within ISEV and to establish alliances with societies interested in EVs
Members of National Societies
- Are you a member of a national society and you wish to be listed on this page? Contact us with your society's name, logo, description, email, website and current leadership.
- If you're interested in learning more about how ISEV can support your locally-organized conferences, visit this page for more information.
- If you'd like your society's event(s) added to the ISEV event calendar, please use this form to request a calendar posting.
National Society Directory
The directory is organized geographically by ISEV regional chapters. ISEV chapters are primarily used for ensuring even distribution globally on the ISEV Board of Directors, as well as determining the rotation of the ISEV Annual Meeting.
Africa and Europe Chapter
Austrian Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ASEV) The aim of the Austrian Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ASEV) is to create a common platform for all those interested in extracellular vesicles. The society sees itself as an interdisciplinary, integrative competence center in which information is collected and passed on to members as efficiently as possible. The transfer of information includes organizing scientific meetings, developing methods and proposals for standardization, testing new equipment and reagents, conducting teaching and training courses, and supporting postgraduate education as well as publications in the field of extracellular vesicles based on their own research. Furthermore, the ASEV aims to cooperate with international scientific societies and organizations in the field of extracellular vesicles and with companies pursuing similar goals.
ASEV President - Wolfgang Holnthoner E: [email protected] www.asev.at
Baltic Society of Extracellular Vesicles (BSEV) Baltic Society of Extracellular Vesicles is a non-profit organization that serves as a platform for networking and collaboration of Baltic researchers working with extracellular vesicles.
E: [email protected], [email protected]
Belgian Society for Extracellular Vesicles (BESEV) Extracellular vesicles are nanosized membrane vesicles which contain bioactive proteins, lipids, metabolites and nucleic acids, and can travel to distant tissues to influence various physiological and pathological functions. Many departments at Belgian universities are witnessing a steady increase in extracellular vesicle research. This creates a unique opportunity to establish a research network with the aim of catalyzing inter- and intra-university collaborations. We therefore launch the Belgian Society for Extracellular Vesicles (BESEV).
BESEV President - An Hendrix E: [email protected], [email protected]
Czech Society for Extracellular Vesicles (CzeSEV) CzeSEV is a network of scientists working in the field of exosomes, microvesicles and other cell-derived vesicles of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic origin. CzeSEV was founded in August 2023, and we aim to gain official association status in 2024, marking a significant milestone in our journey. CzeSEV is so far a very small organization, without any apparatus and lives only through enthusiasm and activity of its few members.
CzeSEV President - Vendula Hlavackova Pospichalova, Ph.D. E: [email protected], [email protected]

Danish Society of Extracellular Vesicles (DSEV) The Danish Society for Extracellular Vesicles (DSEV) is a Danish community of extracellular vesicles-, exosomes-, and microvesicle researchers. The objective of DSEV is to promote the interests of Danish scientists nationally and internationally. As an organization, DSEV connects researchers at its Annual Meeting and reach out to global EV researchers and workshops/events. If you are a researcher interested in learning more about extracellular vesicles, please consider joining DSEV.
DSEV President - Malene Moller Jorgensen
E: [email protected], [email protected] www.dsev.dk
Egyptian Society of Extracellular Vesicles (ESEV)
The Egyptian Society of Extracellular Vesicles (ESEV) is a home-grown society founded by Alexandria Faculty of Medicine members. ESEV is the first Egyptian society connecting scientists studying Extracellular Vesicles (EVs)across the country. With increasing members and a growing society, ESEV’s mission is to advance extracellular vesicle research and to extend our networks globally through outreach programs. We envision a strong network of EVs researchers and frontiers that will aid in the dissemination of knowledge, and exchange of expertise and bring about successful collaborations. Our mission is to advance EVs research and highlight scientific discoveries in different aspects of health and disease.
ESEV President - Radwa Mehanna E: [email protected], [email protected] esev-eg.org
Extracellular Vesicles Network of Ireland (EVI)
EVI Founder - Lorraine O'Driscoll E: [email protected]
Italian Society of Extracellular Vesicles (EVITA) The Italian EV society, EVIta was founded in Turin in 2018 to promote basic, clinical and translational research and networking among researchers in the field of extracellular vesicles. Today, EVIta has 200 members and it organizes national society events, like conferences (EVIta Symposium) and workshops (EVIta Workshop), platforms for collaboration (EVIta lab) and provides mobility fellowships for young researchers (MOVE) interested in EV research. EVIta collaborates with other international EV societies and is actively involved in ISEV activities.
EVITA President - Benedetta Bussolati E: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Extracellular Vesicles Theralytic Technologies (EVTT) The Transfer Center for Extracellular Vesicles Theralytic Technologies (EV-TT) develops new technologies for the therapeutic use of extracellular vesicles (EV) from basic biological, pharmaceutical and chemical research. The focus of the EV-TT Transfer Center is on application-oriented transdisciplinary research, the transfer of research results, both in the training of students and in business, as well as in the initiation of new joint research projects. The EV-TT Transfer Center deals with the simultaneous further development of manufacturing and analysis processes for the establishment of EV-based therapeutics. The focus is on regenerative medicine with a focus on supporting healing processes and drug delivery. The EV-TT Transfer Center is a cooperation between the Paracelsus Medical Private University ( PMU ), the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg ( PLUS ) and the Salzburg State Clinics ( SALK ). As part of WISS 2025, the EV-TT Transfer Center is financed by the State of Salzburg and ERDF funds from the European Union.
EVTT Consortium Leader - Mario Gimona
E: [email protected] evtt.pmu.ac.at
French Society of Extracellular Vesicles (FSEV)
The French Society of Extracellular Vesicles (FSEV) aims to promote and stimulate research in the field of extracellular vesicles in France, by promoting communication between laboratories, and by spreading information on EV initiatives taking place in France and abroad. Research on EVs includes their characterization, the understanding of their roles in health and diseases, as well as their use as vectors for the delivery of substances. FSEV gathers researchers (academic and industries) working on a wide range of species and their derivatives (plants, mammals, viruses, bacteria / prokaryotic cells, vertebrates, milk, ...) in metabolism, cell biology, cancers, reproduction, neuroscience, virology, immunology, nutrition, agronomy, regenerative medicine and gene therapy.
FSEV President - Guillaume van Niel E: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Grupo Espanol de Investigacion en Vesiculas Extracelulares (GEIVEX)
It was one of the first constituted national groups, as it was created back in 2013 after the ISEV meeting in Goteborg. The main goal of GEIVEX is to promote research and innovation on extracellular vesicles to advance personalized medicine aiming to develop new tools and biomarkers with high social impact that will generate benefits and equity in global health. We pursue to create a highly dynamic research environment in Spain by promoting fruitful collaborations between national groups and from abroad, and by fostering training, educational and visibilization activities. Among them, we pioneered the mobility fellowships among members of our Society and promoted exchanges among other national societies.
GEIVEX President - María Yáñez-Mó E: [email protected], [email protected] www.geivex.org
German Society for Extracellular Vesicles (GSEV)
The German Society for Extracellular Vesicles is the national network for scientists and professionals working in the field of exosomes, microvesicles and other extracellular vesicles. We are promoting EV research on all levels from basic research to application. Our goal is to bring together EV-researchers from Germany and abroad to create a hub for ideas and collaborations, and to support young academics within the field.
GSEV President - Bernd Giebel E: [email protected], [email protected]

Finnish Society of Extracellular Vesicles (FISEV) The Finnish Society for Extracellular Vesicles (FISEV) is the national network aiming to promote scientific high-standard research, education and national networking on extracellular vesicles (EV) in Finland. These homepages form a service platform for all EV researchers to find information and seek collaboration in Finland. Homepages are in English that enables researchers and companies also abroad to contact active research groups in Finland. Society also supports education and participation of young investigators in conferences and seminars financing. Finnish Society of Extracellular Vesicles was founded 15.12.2020.
FISEV President - Saara Laitinen E: [email protected], [email protected]
Hungarian Section for Extracellular Vesicles (HSEV)
The mission of Hungarian Section for Extracellular Vesicles (HSEV) is to facilitate networking of the Hungarian researchers in the field of extracellular vesicle research by organizing conferences, professional forums, workshops, discussions, and joint review publications. The HSEV also aims to represent the interests of Hungarian EV research community nationally and internationally, providing a common platform and appearing as a National Society through the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles thus promoting the development of researchers’ international interactions. HSEV is a joint section of the Hungarian Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (MFT) and the Hungarian Society for Immunology (MIT).
HSEV President - Edit Buzas, Zoltan Giricz E: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Israeli Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISREV)
The society was established in 2020 after several annual nationally-wide meetings and the exponential growth of scientists and clinicians entering the field. The aim of ISREV is to facilitate cutting-edge EV research across Israel and encourage international collaborative efforts. Our goals are to initiate and foster such interactions, bring news in the field of EV research, provide a focal point for the EV community through scientific conferences such as the annual ISREV conference, coordinate with other national and international EV societies, and help share information about EVs. In the midst of this exciting era, we will push forward for new groundbreaking discoveries.
ISREV Board Member - Neta Regev-Rudzki
E: [email protected], [email protected] cookstomer.wixsite.com/isrev
Netherlands Society for Extracellular Vesicles (NLSEV) NLSEV connects Dutch researchers, clinicians, and industries who are active or interested in EVs. The specific aims of NLSEV are: to facilitate collaboration; to promote EV science at national and European funding agencies; to connect with relevant scientific societies; and to organize annual scientific symposia.
NSLEV President - Esther Nolte-‘t Hoen E: [email protected], [email protected]
Norwegian Society for Extracellular Vesicles (NOR-EV)
The Norwegian Society for Extracellular Vesicles (NOR-EV) was founded on 16.10.2019. The society’s goal is to be a network for scientists, consultants and students interested in extracellular vesicles, to raise awareness about this research topic in Norway and to promote communication between their members and other relevant national and international scientific communities.
NOR-EV President - Alicia Llorente E: [email protected], [email protected]
Polish Society for Extracellular Vesicles (PSEV) 
PSEV Contacts - Elżbieta Karnas, Ewa Zuba Surma E: [email protected], [email protected]
Portuguese Network on EVs (PNEV) The overall objectives of the Network are to promote collaborations among the Portuguese scientific community working on EVs in Portugal or abroad.PNEV aims to: promote student exchange between labs, share resources, organize online courses/practical courses/conferences/meetings/workshops, enable the dissemination of Portuguese research abroad (at ISEV, GEIVEX and other international organizations/meetings) and create specialized “working/interest groups” aiming for joint grant applications.
PNEV Coordinator - Susana Santos E: [email protected], [email protected] pnev.weebly.com

Serbian Society for Extracellular Vesicles (SrbEVs) Serbian society for extracellular vesicles (SrbEVs) gathers scientists in and from Serbia who work in the field of extracellular vesicles. SrbEVs aims to improve scientific work in the field of extracellular vesicles in Serbia; to exchange scientific knowledge and information on commercial products based on extracellular vesicles and to consider regulations for their use; to exchange information on professional news and opportunities; to advance education about extracellular vesicles; to popularize the social importance of research of extracellular vesicles and to cooperate with related societies and organizations in the country and abroad.
SrbEVs President - Maja Kosanovic E: [email protected], [email protected]

Slovenian Network for Extracellular Vesicles (SIN-EV) SiN-EV is the Slovenian network of students, researchers and clinicians interested in the field of extracellular vesicles. Our aim is to locally facilitate high quality, high impact EV research through fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, infrastructure building and training. We also facilitate dissemination of SiN-EV member achievements to international scientific community, local institutional bodies and lay public.
SiN-EV President: Metka Lenassi E: [email protected], [email protected] sin-ev.org
Turkish Community of Extracellular Vesicles (TURSEV)
Turkish Community of Extracellular Vesicles aims to emerge in response to the paucity of centralized infrastructure supporting the rapidly advancing field of extracellular vesicle (EV) research within Turkish institutions. Our mission is to catalyze advances by uniting dedicated academic researchers across disciplines to collaborate locally and globally.
TURSEV Presidents:
Burak Derkus (Ankara University) - President Fatih Inci (Bilkent University UNAM) - Vice-President Ahmet Acar (METU) - Vice-President
E: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] tursev.com.tr
Turkish Society for Extracellular Vesicles (TRSEV)
UK Society for Extracellular Vesicles (UKEV) The field of extracellular vesicles (EV) is a rapidly growing area of research, both globally and within the UK. The UK Society for Extracellular Vesicles (UKEV) is a result of the success and collaborative spirit of UK-based researchers with an interest in extracellular vesicles. Our goal is to share knowledge and expertise on EV to educate the wider research community, and beyond. UKEV consists of an active network of researchers. We hold annual scientific meetings to discuss research, and other events throughout the year, where we can share ideas and talk about EV.
UKEV President - Charlotte Lawson E: [email protected], [email protected] www.ukev.org.uk
Americas Chapter (Central, North, South)
American Society for Intracellular Communication (ASIC)
Contact - Fatah Kashanchi, Ph.D. E: [email protected], [email protected] asicbio.org
Argentinean Group of Extracellular Vesicles (GAVE)
GAVE President - Matias Ostrowski E: [email protected]
Canadian Society for Extracellular Vesicles (CanSEV) The Canadian Society for Extracellular Vesicles (CSEV) is a national professional society consisting of leading extracellular vesicle and nanoparticle researchers and scientists in Canada. Founded as a synthesis of researchers from diverse disciplines at the University Health Network (Toronto, Ontario), CSEV’s goal is to support innovation in translational EV research approaches while unifying Canada’s diverse research collective to better both academia and the public’s understanding of extracellular vesicles and their broad applications. We are an inclusive and egalitarian society and welcome everyone who wishes to explore the biology of extracellular vesicles.
Contact - Janusz Rak E: [email protected], [email protected]
Latin America Extracellular Vesicles Network (LatinEV) The proposal of Latin America EVs is to promote discussion among groups, exchange of reagents and protocols, events/meetings/ workshops are the researchers. The organizers of this discussion group in Latin America are researchers Lysangela R. Alves (Fiocruz) and Patricia Xander (UNIFESP). The Latin America EVs Society was founded in June 2017 as the first society related to Extracellular Vesicles in Latin America.
LatinEV Contact E: [email protected]
Asia-Pacific Chapter
Australia and New Zealand Society of Extracellular Vesicles (ANZSEV) The Australia and New Zealand Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ANZSEV) was established as a collaborative approach to understand EVs. Our goals are to promote the understanding and translation of EVs through an active national and international network and to create a common platform for members interested in EVs and nanoparticles. (objectives: https://www.anzsev.org/our-objectives)
ANZSEV President - David Greening E: [email protected], [email protected]
Chinese Society for Extracellular Vesicles (CSEV) Chinese Society For Extracellular Vesicles (CSEV) was founded in 2017 in Guangzhou, China. It’s the largest and only Chinese community of researchers working with extracellular vesicles-, exosomes-, microvesicles, microparticles, etc. The CSEV integrates the superior resources of universities, hospitals, medical research institutes, enterprises and institutions which engage in medical science and technology innovation to promote EV researcher exchanges and EV translational studies.
CSEV President - Qian Wang, PhD E: [email protected], [email protected]

Indian Society for Extracellular Vesicles (InSEV) Founded in the year 2023, the Indian Society for Extracellular Vesicles (InSEV) stands as a leading professional organization with a steadfast dedication to advancing the field of extracellular vesicle (EV) research and its applications throughout India. This distinguished coalition provides a comprehensive and interdisciplinary platform, uniting scholars, clinicians, and industry experts to propel the science of EVs through scholarly discourse, annual symposiums, and specialized workshops.
InSEV President - Sujata Mohanty E: [email protected], [email protected] insev.in
Indian Extracellular Vesicles Society
Founded in September 2023, the Indian Society of Extracellular Vesicle Research (ISEV) is committed to enhancing research in the field of extracellular vesicles in India. It fosters communication between laboratories and disseminates information on EV initiatives in India and internationally. ISEV's activities, including webinars, workshops, committees, collaborations, conferences, training programs and others, are designed to catalyse innovation and establish India as a key player in EV research. Learn more at www.ievs.in.
IEVS President - Manda Venkata Sasidhar E: [email protected], [email protected] www.ievs.in

Japanese Society for Extracellular Vesicles (JSEV) In August 2014, Professor Ochiya et al. founded the Japanese Society for Extracellular Vesicles (JSEV) with the hope that more researchers would gather and that the society would develop into a breakthrough society for extracellular vesicle research in Japan. The primary mission of JSEV is “Developing the open innovation network between academia and industry” in the EVs field. JSEV tightly interacts with ISEV and especially encourages the activities of young researchers.
JSEV Board Chairman - Takahiro Ochiya E: [email protected] jsev.jp
Korean Society for Extracellular Vesicles (KSEV) The Korean Society for Extracellular Vesicles (KSEV) was founded in June 2009 as the first society related to Extracellular Vesicles and Exosomes in the world. By leading the development, we are contributing to the improvement of human health by identifying the essence of life phenomena.
KSEV President - Jaesung Park E: [email protected], [email protected] ksev.or.kr
Malaysian Society for Extracellular Vesicles (MYSEV) Malaysian Society of Extracellular Vesicles is a non-profit organization that was formed at the end of 2023, in Malaysia. The aim of this association is to bring together Malaysian researchers working on EV-related fields, promoting education, sharing scientific knowledge and introducing innovation on EV related topics besides enhancing the international visibility of MySEV for networking and collaboration opportunities of Malaysian EV researchers.
MYSEV President (2023-2025) - Norhayati binti Liaqat Ali Khan E: [email protected] sites.google.com/monash.edu/malaysian-society-for-ev/about
Society for Clinical Research and Translation of Extracellular Vesicles Singapore (SOCRATES) SOCRATES is a non-profit organization that aims: to promote clinical research, application and translation of extracellular vesicles; to organize and hold events, meetings, and symposia related to extracellular vesicles; to raise awareness and publicity of extracellular vesicles; and to become a platform for collaborations and combined research. SOCRATES was formed by a group of scientists and clinicians who had been studying extracellular vesicles in Singapore.
SOCRATES President - Lim Sai Kiang E: [email protected] socrates-singapore.org

Taiwan Society for Extracellular Vesicles (TSEV) The Taiwan Society for Extracellular Vesicles (TSEV) is a professional society consists leading exosomes and microvesicle researchers and scientists in Taiwan. TSEV’s mission is to advocate and educate extracellular vesicle researches, as well as to connect collaborations among academics, medicals, and industries locally and globally.
TSEV President - Han-Yi Chou E: [email protected] tsev.org
Non-EV Companion Societies
International Society for Cell and Gene Therapy (ISCT)
ISCT is the global leader focused on translational aspects of developing cell-based therapeutics, advancing scientific research into innovative treatments for patients. ISCT provides a unique collaborative environment that addresses three key areas of clinical translation: Academia, Regulatory and Commercialization. Through long term strategic relationships with global regulatory agencies, academic institutions and industry partners, ISCT leads the advancement of research into clinical adoption and standard of care. Comprised of over 2400 cell therapy experts across five geographic regions and representation from over 60 countries, ISCT members are part of a global community of peers, thought leaders and organizations invested in cell therapy translation.
ISCT President - Jacques Galipeau Twitter: twitter.com/ISCTglobal www.isctglobal.org
International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) Today, the ISTH is the leading thrombosis- and hemostasis-related professional organization in the world with more than 7,700 members in +110 countries.
International Society for Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC) ISAC's mission is to serve a multidisciplinary community by leading technological innovation, scholarship, and the exchange of knowledge in the quantitative cell sciences.