Scientific Reproducibility Task Forces

Task forces are teams of ISEV experts that provide recommendations to improve reproducibility of EV research on certain topics. Topics range from improving collection and handling of EV-containing (body) fluids, to EV-TRACK and regulation. Recommendations of task force can be disseminated as position or roadmap papers, guidelines, minimal reporting standards (e.g. MISEV) and online databases (e.g. EV-TRACK) and are communicated to relevant societies and journals.

Up to 15 task forces on specific EV topics can exist simultaneously. For more information on how task forces are organized and operate, and how task forces are supported by ISEV, please review our Task Force standard operating procedures. As an ISEV member, you can propose a new task force by reviewing the requirements then completing the application survey. If you would like to request to join a task force, please contact the chair of that task force (contact information is available on each task force's page). ISEV aims to improve reproducibility of EV research by funding projects aimed to promote rigor and standardization efforts of ISEV task forces, special interest groups, and intersociety working groups. The grant program is competitive and supports a maximum of two projects annually. Find out more about Rigor & Standardization grant applications; then complete the online application form.

Task Forces

Bacterial EVs Blood Cerebrospinal Fluid Conditioned Medium
EV-TRACK Milk Reference Materials Regulatory Affairs
Reproduction Solid Tissue Synovial Fluid Urine

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