JExBio Editorial Board

Role Forename Surname Keywords Institution Country

Andy Hill Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc), EV-based non-cancer biomarkers, EV proteomics, EVs in diseases of the nervous system Victoria University Australia

Executive Scientific Editor

Sarah Williams   ISEV UK

Deputy Editor
Minh Le EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs, EVs in cancer (except metastasis, immunology, angiogenesis, stem cells), Novel developments in EV characterization National University of Singapore, Pharmacology Singapore

Deputy Editor

Lysangela Ronalte Alves EVs cross-organism (fungi), EV transcriptomics, EV proteomics, EVs cross-organism (parasitic infections) Instituto Carlos Chagas Brazil

Deputy Editor

Johnathon Anderson EV-inspired therapeutics, vaccines and clinical trials, EV proteomics, EVs and stem cells (including cancer), EVs and the immune system University of California Davis USA
Associate Editor Riccardo Alessandro EVs in cancer (except metastasis, immunology, angiogenesis, stem cells), EVs in tumor angiogenesis, EV in environment (plants, diet, microbiota) and cross-organism communication University of Palermo Italy
Associate Editor Mona  Batish EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs, EV transcriptomics, Novel developments in EV characterization University of Delaware USA
Associate Editor Massimo Bottini Novel developments in EV characterization, EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes), EV proteomics Sapienza University of Rome Italy
Associate Editor Benedetta Bussolati Cellular and organ targeting of EVs (biodistribution), EV-based non-cancer biomarkers, EVs and stem cells (including cancer), EVs in tissue injury & repair University of Turin Italy
Associate Editor Houjian  Cai EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes), EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs, EV metabolomics, EVs and stem cells (including cancer) University of Georgia USA

Associate Editor

Juan Falcon-Perez EV metabolomics, Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage, preparative studies, spike-ins etc) CIC bioGUNE  Spain
Associate Editor Yu  Fujita EVs in tissue injury & repair, EVs in acute and chronic Inflammatory disorders, EVs as cancer biomarkers, EV-based non-cancer biomarkers Jikei University  Japan
Associate Editor Dong-Gyu Jo EV-inspired therapeutics, vaccines and clinical trials, EV in environment (plants, diet, microbiota) and cross-organism communication, Cellular and organ targeting of EVs (biodistribution), EV-based non-cancer biomarkers Sungkyunkwan University  South Korea
Associate Editor Veronika Kralj-Iglič EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes), EV in environment (plants, diet, microbiota) and cross-organism communication University of Ljubljana  Slovenia
Associate Editor Ming-Lin Liu EVs and the immune system, EVs in acute and chronic Inflammatory disorders, EVs in metabolic disease (liver disease, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome), EVs in cardiovascular diseases and vascular disorders University of Pennsylvania USA
Associate Editor Richard  Lobb EV-inspired therapeutics, vaccines and clinical trials, Cellular and organ targeting of EVs (biodistribution), EVs as cancer biomarkers, EVs in the nervous system (neuronal network, blood-brain-barrier) The University of Queensland Australia
Associate Editor Carla Maria Nunes Lopes Cellular and organ targeting of EVs (biodistribution), EV proteomics, EVs and the immune system, EVs in diseases of the nervous system University of Coimbra Portugal
Associate Editor David J  Lundy EVs in cardiovascular diseases and vascular disorders, EVs and stem cells (including cancer) Taipei Medical University Taiwan
Associate Editor Mahoney EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes), EVs and stem cells (including cancer), EVs as cancer biomarkers, EVs in tissue injury & repair Thomas Jefferson University USA
Associate Editor Lorena Martin Jaular EVs cross-organism (viral infections), EVs cross-organism (parasitic infections), EVs and the immune system, Novel developments in EV isolation Curie Institute France
Associate Editor Sujata  Mohanty EVs and stem cells (including cancer), EVs and the immune system, EVs in acute and chronic Inflammatory disorders, EVs in cellular differentiation & organ development All India Institute of Medical Sciences India
Associate Editor Nick Peake EVs cross-organism (bacteria), EVs in cancer (except metastasis, immunology, angiogenesis, stem cells), EVs in tumor metastasis, Cellular and organ targeting of EVs (biodistribution) Sheffield Hallam University UK
Associate Editor Janusz  Rak EVs and stem cells (including cancer), EVs as cancer biomarkers, EVs in cancer (except metastasis, immunology, angiogenesis, stem cells), EVs in tumor angiogenesis McGill University Canada
Associate Editor Carlos Salomon Analysis of EVs in liquid biopsy (storage,preparative studies, spike-ins etc), EV proteomics, EV engineering and sorting of cargo into EVs, EVs as cancer biomarkers University of Queensland Australia
Associate Editor Ana Claudia  Torrecilhas EV proteomics, EV biogenesis and secretion (from prokaryotes to eukaryotes), EV in environment (plants, diet, microbiota) and cross-organism communication, EV-inspired therapeutics, vaccines and clinical trials Federal University of São Paulo Brazil